
Our team of experienced investors, operators and innovators offers our founders access to the global SoftBank Group ecosystem – and beyond. In addition to their commitment to our mission, our team offers founders ongoing support through all stages of their growth.

Leadership and Investment Committee

Paul Judge

Atlanta-based. Computer Science PhD. Three-time founder.

Masayoshi Son

Chairman & CEO, SoftBank Group Corp. One of the most talented and successful global entrepreneurs who built a $100B investment company from the ground up.

Brett Rochkind

Global growth investor. Managing Partner, SoftBank Investment Advisers. 5.00-rated Uber driver. Aspires to be as great an investor as Forrest Gump and as kind as Ted Lasso.

Catherine Lenson

Managing Partner, SoftBank Investment Advisers. Investor, People Leader, Executive Coach, Londoner. Passionate about helping women succeed.


Hadley Poole


Stacy Brown-Philpot

Detroit-born. Former CEO of a successful, high-growth organization. Fortune 100 public company director.

Chad Harris


Third generation HBCU grad. Pragmatic dreamer. Lifelong student of tech and media finance.

Dami Osunsanya

Miami born – Nigerian bred. Fortune 100 Operations and Finance leader. Board advisor and growth accelerant of companies big and small. Innovation is my inspiration.

Jeffrey Asiedu

New York native. Associate on SoftBank's Opportunity Fund Growth Stage team. Lover of Digital Health Tech. Looking to make an impact leveraging Goldman Sachs banking experience.

Gosia Karas

Private equity nerd turned Opportunity Fund's growth investing head. Loves AI, hangs out with everything tech. Years in the US, and yet still European. Harvard MBA. PhD in Finance.

Heather Harder

SB Opportunity Fund head of communications. Started writing stories at age six. Now helping founders tell theirs.


Shaka Rasheed


Team members may also be existing employees of other SoftBank subsidiaries and affiliates, independent third parties, or investment advisers SB Opportunity Fund LLC has engaged through applicable services agreements. For inquiries, please contact